
W-Enterprise s.r.l. logo

W-Enterprise operates in the information and communication technologies industries, with experience in document management in public and private sectors. Based in Bari, Italy, the company is certified to the UNI EN ISO 9001:2015 standard for the design and provision of consultancy services for the management of IT archives (digitalization and IT archiving, protocol IT, document flows and substitutive conservation in accordance with the law); software design; and development for public and private customers. its expertise covers the entire project life cycle, from analysis, design, implementation to execution and ongoing evolution.

The identification of targeted interventions, implemented step by step through customer collaboration, allows you to efficiently and effectively achieve your objectives. W-Enterprise deals with the organization of current, storage and historical archives by making available human and instrumental resources suitable for guaranteeing their formation; management and any reorganization interventions; developing the appropriate tools, including classification plans, management manuals and maximum storage; and development of software modules that can be integrated with document managers.

Partner type

Reseller Partner


Other, Government


Alfresco Platform



Supported language



Enterprise Content Management, Digital Transformation, Process Automation, Invoice Management, Human Resources Management, Knowledge Management, Process Services, Information Governance Management

Partner website
