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Embracing cloud

What to consider when implementing content services in the cloud.

From disaster recovery and business continuity to improving security, compliance and operational efficiency, more and more organizations are recognizing the benefits of moving to the cloud. With the recent shift to remote work environments, cloud adoption has never been faster.

But how can you ensure your organization’s cloud deployment aligns with business priorities? Can content services in the cloud drive organizational growth? Join Joe Krull from the Aite Group and the Hyland Cloud Team for a conversation about embarking on a cloud deployment. Learn:

  • How to effectively manage risks while using cloud
  • Things to look out for when choosing a cloud provider
  • What to avoid when implementing content services in the cloud

You’ll also discover useful insights and best practices to power your organization’s digital transformation vision.

Person smiling, glancing at a tablet and sitting in an office setting.

Demo: Hyland Cloud Foundation overview

This video provides an overview of the Hyland Cloud Foundation, including: Why you should host in the Hyland Cloud; what sets us apart; the platform and our datacenters; the Hyland teams and responsibilities; and the Hyland Cloud services classes and compliance.