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Why agencies are moving from legacy ECM to modern content services

Forging a future-proof infrastructure for resiliency, agility and efficiency.


To enhance mission delivery in today’s digital-first environment, government agencies are seeking to be faster and more efficient while delivering a positive experience for constituents and the staff who serve them. Achieving this goal requires modern technology that can help agencies respond quickly to change, improve resiliency and guard against security threats and compliance risks.

And yet, many agencies still rely on legacy systems that fall short of meeting the needs of 21st-century society. These organizations may find themselves at a crossroads, deciding which path will help them succeed in the digital-first future. Should they stay on with their existing system? If not, where should they go next, and what should they look for?

This e-book covers a range of information agencies can use to guide their journey toward next-generation government. Download the asset to dive into:

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