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The future of work and modernization in a rapidly evolving landscape

Survey explores how government agencies can unlock employee and constituent engagement with digital services.

A woman holding a tablet in a discussion with a man.

Hyland commissioned the Center for Digital Government to survey state and local government leaders on modernization and the future of work. The goal was to capture market intelligence on how digital services are evolving in response to in-person, hybrid and remote work models.

Responses were analyzed to identify trends across key segments, including levels of government, agency or department types, and job roles.

Among the key findings:

  • State and local agencies face big challenges attracting and retaining skilled employees.
  • There’s an apparent mismatch between what many government employers offer and what employees want in terms of workplace flexibility
  • Many agencies still rely on manual processes, with respondents ranking automation as the top tool needed to deliver digital services.

Government agencies need an effective digital strategy to fully empower a remote or hybrid workforce. Check out the survey to discover the top five modernization priorities (you won’t be surprised by No. 1) and to see the tools organizations need to deliver innovative services.

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