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5 customers review their experience with OnBase in the Hyland Cloud

More than 1,300 Hyland OnBase users deploy their content services platform in the Hyland Cloud. It’s not surprising to find lots of word-of-mouth stories about the product and what customers think about it circulating online and in business circles.

Person uses a stylus on a keyboard.

More than 1,300 Hyland OnBase users deploy their content services platform in the Hyland Cloud. It’s not surprising to find lots of word-of-mouth stories about the product and what customers think about it circulating online and in business circles.

When it comes to finding honest feedback about a software product, Gartner Peer Insights is unmatched in its peer-led software reviews. Unfiltered, these reviews are from real customers of the products they’re reviewing and full of user insight.

Although you can easily look at the more than 300 Hyland ratings on Gartner Peer Insights, we curated five reviews from OnBase users who have deployed their solution in the Hyland Cloud.

Here’s what our customers say:

5 User Reviews of OnBase in the Hyland Cloud

1. OnBase in the Hyland Cloud Streamlines Efficiency

OnBase is a necessary product for streamlining efficiency.

— Data and analytics professional in the finance industry

Efficiency is the name of the game for enterprise technology.

  • Does it save time?
  • Is it easy to use?
  • Does it make customer, partner or client interactions better?
  • How quickly can it make a difference?

“OnBase has allowed our organization to streamline digitization processes as well as allow our employees to access documents simultaneously without issue,” the data and analytics professional said.

A CIO in the services industry touts the flexibility of OnBase: “The OnBase system is very flexible and makes automating complex business processes possible,” the user said. “We have been able to achieve through OnBase what off-the-shelf software could not do.”

2. It Eliminates Server Infrastructure Maintenance

Our OnBase deployment is cloud-based, so I won’t have to worry about maintaining any server infrastructure to manage the service.

— Product manager/marketing professional in the media industry

Does your organization have cutting-edge server professionals — and the budget to recruit and retain them?

If not, maintaining on-premise servers or trying to manage a cloud deployment in-house can be a costly and inefficient focus for your IT team. The Hyland Cloud offers hands-off cloud management for your team while delivering:

  • 99% data availability
  • Fail-safe disaster recovery
  • Geographic dispersion for data redundancy
  • SOC 2 and 3 compliant data centers
  • Rigorous security controls and governance that is compliant with HIPAA, NIST, GDPR and more

This lets your organization focus on what drives the greatest outcomes — not on keeping up with the latest server needs.

3. OnBase Empowers Developers

OnBase helps to empower developers for developing low-code, rapid-application solutions that have been found very helpful for its customer base.

— Analyst working in the services industry

Low-code platforms are storming the industry, and for good reason: Organizations need speed, agility and usability in their technology. From the developer shortage to the skills shortage, finding employees with the high-code skills needed for custom development is getting harder and harder (and costlier and costlier). OnBase’s platform enables developers to build applications faster than ever, as well as for nondevelopers to jump into the app-design process and configure their own solutions to target their business area’s specific, timely needs.

4. Content is Secure in the Hyland Cloud

OnBase is a very good software tool to keep the customer information securely and can retrieve documents whenever needed.

— R&D/product development professional in the manufacturing industry


We know nothing trumps security.

OnBase’s strong platform security is only strengthened by pairing it with Hyland Cloud deployment. Our cloud infrastructure is designed to support key security initiatives, including our strict ISO-based protocols, so customers can safely access their content anytime, anywhere.

We apply multiple layers of protection to your data, from low-tech tactics like strict adherence to policies, procedures and personnel education to industry standards like:

  • Physical security at our server sites
  • Perimeter data defense
  • Internal network security
  • Cloud host security and more

Additionally, OnBase’s application security is embedded with security tactics.

“We can also restrict who can access and/or edit documents and tie in our retention schedule to OnBase using APIs,” a data and analytics professional in the finance industry said in their review.

5. OnBase Users can Sharpen the Saw

Training is available 24/7: online, in person or webinars, and documentation. — Analyst in the services industry

— Analyst in the services industry

“Customers are our partners” is a core Hyland value.

We make sure we live up to it by providing best-in-industry customer support, when, where and how our customers want and need it.

Whether it’s our in-person annual user conference, CommunityLIVE (register now!), one-on-one support for troubleshooting, documentation resources or Hyland University, we know this for sure: If our customers aren’t succeeding, we’re not succeeding.

More proof: Hyland was recently recognized as a Customers’ Choice in the 2022 Gartner Peer Insights ‘Voice of the Customer’: Content Services Platform report.

Build your Future in the Hyland Cloud

The Hyland Cloud has had one purpose since its creation in 2004: Execute a safe, secure and reliable cloud environment for OnBase deployment.

Now more than ever — as remote offices and global workforces are the norm — organizations must consider how to evolve their digital strategies. The Hyland Cloud offers a custom-tailored approach to hosting content services via OnBase.

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