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Forrester Study: Transforming Processes with Content, Automation, and AI

Insights from the fifth annual Content Services Pulse Study

Two young professionals collaborate at a desktop computer.

With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI) and automation in all facets of our personal and professional lives, business and IT leaders are exploring these capabilities to enhance content-related experiences and boost productivity.

Today, just 30% of businesses leverage AI-enabled automation to drive impact and unlock valuable insights in content-related processes, and just over half have automated rudimentary tasks involved in document creation. There is substantial untapped potential for harnessing the power of these capabilities — and for differentiating yourself from the competition.

Download the study conducted by Forrester Consulting, Transforming Processes and Experiences with Content, Automation and AI, for:

  • The top challenges and barriers organizations face in optimizing content management
  • Insights for how a modern approach can help you successfully navigate the disruption and opportunity presented by automation and AI
  • Key recommendations on how to identify modernization opportunities while keeping customer and employee experiences at the forefront

This study, Forrester Consulting’s fifth annual study of content management strategies, was commissioned by Hyland and highlights insights that will help your business thrive at a time of rapid innovation.

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Thank you for downloading Forrester Consulting’s study: Transforming processes and experiences with content, automation and AI. Enjoy!

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