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Formtek Engineering Data Management

The Formtek® EDM Solution for Alfresco provides a packaged solution for managing engineering documents and drawings using the Alfresco One content platform, and integrates Alfresco with AutoCAD®, an industry leading 2D and 3D computer-aided design (CAD) software application.

The Formtek EDM Module is the base software component of the Solution, and installs on the Alfresco server. It provides a pre-configured content model, complete with metadata properties and forms, for both engineering documents and drawings.For management of AutoCAD files, the EDM Module includes a converter which automatically renders DWG, DWF, and DXF file types to thumbnails and flash (SWF) for viewing within Alfresco Share. If Formtek’s free PDF Rendering extension is installed, PDF renditions of AutoCAD files can be generated on-demand and stored in the repository.

The EDM Module also extracts attributes present in AutoCAD files, including those in the drawing title block, and maps the extracted data to EDM properties within Alfresco.

  • An installation-ready, minimal services solution for engineering document and drawing management in Alfresco
  • Engineering Drawing and Document Type Extensions for the Alfresco Content Model
  • View, Edit and Advanced Search Forms for Engineering Content
  • Extract AutoCAD file and title block attributes, and map them to Alfresco properties
  • Automatically save (embed) property edits back to the corresponding attribute in the AutoCAD file
  • Solr indexing of AutoCAD text for content-based searching in Alfresco
  • Associate the AutoCAD base drawing to its external references (XRefs) within Alfresco
  • Automatically transform and view AutoCAD and MicroStation CAD files in Alfresco Share
  • Generate and view a base drawing combined with its external references
  • Support for nested references and raster references
  • View the model space and all layout views in a multi-page PDF, and download the PDF
  • View options include black & white, color, or grayscale